$268.00 AUD

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Socials Boss | Payment Plan


  • Professional Template Suite
  • Expert Email Templates
  • Client Socials Planner 
  • Agency-Standard Business Planner
  • Industry Resources Hub 
  • Clubhouse Access (Facebook Group)
  • Custom Brand Kit

 Plus heaps of extra goodies!

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Student Love

"It seriously changed my life!" I would recommend Bronte's coaching services to any freelancer in any industry wanting to streamline their processes and feel in control of their services and offerings. There’s so much power in knowing your worth and that’s what this coaching did for me.

Lillie | Lillie Isabella Studio

I would 100% recommend this to anyone. From those who are "dabbling" in SMM, to those who are highly- skilled but just didn't know where to "start"... The value that is delivered is more than anything else I've invested in in my 7-year SMM career to date. The Templates and the step-by-step course set out were certainly the assets that I would have paid for on their OWN! Your course has been nothing short of LIFECHANGINGIMNOTKIDDING!

Druella | Rainbow Coast Socials

The value of working with Bronte is truly unbelievable. The confidence that I have gained in business is priceless. I have gone from it being a side hobby to working full time in a matter of weeks, something that I’m sure would have taken me years to get to on my own. I now have a clear day-to-day process, feel in control of my business, and am ready to expand even more.

Ash | Sofia Socials